Worry, Why Do I Let Myself Worry?


Sunday - 9:30 AM Sunday School, 10:45 AM Worship Service | Wednesday 6:30 PM Men's Bible Study, Ladies' Bible Studies, Youth Group

Jan. 15, 2023

Matthew 6:25-34

Worry, Why Do I Let Myself Worry?

1. Anxiety is real. (vs. 25, 26)

A. For what reason?

B. What do you choose to believe?

“The great antidote for anxiety in this troubled age is to better comprehend the God in whom we trust, a God of incomparable might, omniscient wisdom, inexhaustible goodness, and eternal existence. Rather than looking around or looking inward, we should look up.” Maurice Irvin

2. God is more concerned about you than you are.

A. Life is… more

Your life matters

Psalms 94:18-19

B. You are worth more

3. What are you seeking?

Where is your trust?

Galatians 1:10

Philippians 4:6-7

A. Be anxious for nothing

Psalms 139:23-24

B. What is broken?

1 Peter 5:6-7

C. Are you seeking your own broken control?

What does worry get you (vs. 27, 33, 34)


1. Where do you run with your anxiety?

2. What are you seeking in life?

Follow Up in the Word through the Week…

Monday: Read: Psalms 94:18-19

What is the admission of the psalm writer? According to the Psalm what makes the LORD trustworthy?

Tuesday: Read: Galatians 1:10

What is the question that Paul is asking himself? What appearance is most important?

Wednesday: Read: Philippians 4:6-7

What does Paul contrast with anxiety in these versus? What is to be utilized to combat anxiety?

Thursday: Read: Psalms 139:23-24

What is the psalm writer asking God to search him for? Have you ever asked God to search you for this?

Friday: Read: 1 Peter 5:6-7

What is it that we are to place upon Jesus according to these verses? Why are we to do that and how does the answer to why impact your life right now?

Saturday: Read: Matthew 6:25-34

Look over Jesus’ directions about worry and anxiety again. What more can you see in these verses that may help you most with anxiety right now or in the future?