Are You Amazed?


Sunday - 9:30 AM Sunday School, 10:45 AM Worship Service | Wednesday 6:30 PM Men's Bible Study, Ladies' Bible Studies, Youth Group

Jan. 16, 2022

Habakkuk 1:5-11

“Are You Amazed?”

1. The Broken Covenant People of God (vs. 2-4)

A. Judah

B. Those Already Redeemed

C. It is easy to blame everyone else

Romans 7:15,21-25

Romans 8:1-2

2. Unbelievable (v. 5)

A. The answer is among the nations?

B. You are about to be amazed

C. The LORD may be silent, but He is active

D. You will not believe this

3. If You are Looking for an Answer (vs. 6-11)

A. Who are the Chaldean’s?

B. Look and observe (vs. 3, 5)

C. Justice! (vs. 4, 7)

D. Violence (vs. 2, 3, 9)

E. Only for a time (v. 11)

F. How is this any better?

John 10:10

Genesis 50:20

2 Peter 3:9


1. Have you responded to the Holy Spirit today about your brokenness?

2. When you observe the damage COVID has done and the rapid changes we have seen around us, how is God calling you to respond to Him? Is there a change that you need to make in your life? Do you need to allow God to have victory over an old habit? Do you need to look to serve Him in a new area this year?

Follow Up Through the Week

Monday, January 17, 2022

Read: Romans 7:15-8:2

Are their struggles you are experiencing today that you need the reminder that Christ has removed condemnation in your life?

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Read: John 10:10

In what ways do you see Satan stealing, killing, and destroying today? In what ways have you experienced Christ giving you life?

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Read: Genesis 50:15-21

Joseph could have punished his brothers through his position and power. But what does he say in 50:19? We learn a lesson from him but also about how God uses brokenness, evil, and tragedy when we read 50:20.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Read: 2 Peter 3:8-13

How does Peter describe the day of the Lord? Can you understand the mercy and grace of verse 9?

Friday and Saturday, January 21 and 22

Read: Habakkuk 1

How have you identified with Habakkuk’s complaint in verses 2-4? How have you been amazed by God recently as verse 5 answers that complaint?