Revival Hymns


Sunday - 9:30 AM Sunday School, 10:45 AM Worship Service | Wednesday 6:30 PM Men's Bible Study, Ladies' Bible Studies, Youth Group

May 19, 2024

Psalm 80

Revival Hymns

1. Direction of Desperation (vs. 1, 2)

A. A Word about Asaph

1 Chronicles 15:17, 19

1 Chronicles 16:4-7

2 Chronicles 29:30

B. The Command

C. Faithful Shepherd

Psalm 77:19-20

Psalm 23:1

John 10:14-18

Luke 15:1-7

D. Enthroned Upon the Cherubim

Hebrews 9:5

Ezekiel 10:1-5

Isaiah 57:15

2. Restore Us! (vs. 3-6)

A. The First Request (v. 3)

Repetition in 3, 7, 19

Numbers 6:24-26

B. How long?

2 Kings 6:15-17

C. God Gets Angry with Prayers? (v. 4)

D. Distress (v. 5)

E. Shamed (v. 6)

3. Return to the Rescue (vs. 7-18)

A. A Little Bit Louder (v. 7)

B. The Exodus (v. 8)

C. A Story of Supernatural Growth (vs. 8-11)

1 Corinthians 3:6-7

D. The Abuse of the Vine (vs. 12, 13)

E. Turn Again (vs. 14-16)

F. Prayer for the Son (v. 17)

G. Obedience will Return (v. 18)

4. A Roar for Revival (v. 19)

A. It is Us

B. The Personal Name of God


1. Do you long for revival among God’s people today? Do you see this as the only solution to the trouble we see around us today?

2. Will you pray for revival?

Follow UP in the Word this Week…


Read: 1 Chronicles 16:4-7

What was Asaph’s job? How does that job description help to inform the Psalms that his name is attached to?


Read: Jon 10:14-18

Describe in your words how Jesus is our shepherd according to John 10. How does this give you comfort today?


Read: Ezekiel 10:1-5

How does this passage describe the involvement of the cherubim? What picture of God does this provide for us?


Read: 2 Kings 6:15-17

How does this passage help us to understand the nature of the LORD God of hosts described in the Old Testament? How can that understanding of God’s power help you?


Read: 1 Corinthians 3:6-7

We place so much emphasis on the humans involved with the growth of God’s people but who is ultimately responsible? What does this imply about humility and whom we should be approaching about growth and revival today?


Read: Psalm 80:19

Would you make this your prayer today?