Running in the Right Direction or Becoming a Church of Renown


Sunday - 9:30 AM Sunday School, 10:45 AM Worship Service | Wednesday 6:30 PM Men's Bible Study, Ladies' Bible Studies, Youth Group

Mar. 07, 2021


1 Thessalonians 1:8-10

“Running in the Right Direction or Becoming a Church of Renown”

1. Regional and International Recognition (v. 8)

A. Macedonia and Achaia

B. Your faith “roars”

Exechetai resound or roar like thunder, like the loud sound of a trumpet.

News travels quickly on the Via Egnatia. Main road in the empire.

C. Everywhere

2. What happened in Thessalonica? (v. 9)

A. Received the messengers

Luke 10:10-12

Acts 14:15

B. Turned to God

C. Away from Idols

1 Corinthians 8:4-6

1 Corinthians 10:19-22

D. Serving the living true God

E. Wait for the Return of Jesus

F. Jesus is raised from the dead

G. Jesus Delivers from the wrath to come

Matthew 24:36

3. What has happened in New Castle?

A. What direction have we been running?

B. Lived out.

C. Has Covid changed your view or value of the church?

In these next days as places and opportunities open up, there will be a great tendency for the church to take a back seat.


1. Will you prioritize the work of God the way that 1 Thessalonians illustrates? Will faith, love, and hope be your vision for your relationships especially for First Alliance Church?

2. Before Covid how did your view or value the church? Has that changed and what does that view offer to those who live without the hope of Jesus in their lives?