What Do We Need the Most Right Now


Sunday - 9:30 AM Sunday School, 10:45 AM Worship Service | Wednesday 6:30 PM Men's Bible Study, Ladies' Bible Studies, Youth Group

May 15, 2022

Psalm 130

“What Do We Need the Most Right Now?”

Psalms of Ascents Psalm 120 through 134 (Every road trip goes better with good tunes.)

“Three times a year all your males shall appear before the Lord your God at the place that he will choose: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Booths. They shall not appear before the Lord empty-handed. -Deuteronomy 16:16 ESV

“Most scripture speaks to us while the Psalms speak for us”- Athanasius 4th century Christian leader

1. A Cry Out of the depths (vs. 1, 2)

A. The Depths (the sea)

Isaiah 51:10

Ezekiel 27:34

Jonah 2:2- 3, 5-6

Lamentations 3:54-55

B. Hear my voice! “Most people just want to be heard.”

2. Essential Belief (vs. 3,4)

The whole Psalm pivots here on this contrasting statement.

A. If the LORD would “watch”

The red pen of God!

B. But there is forgiveness

Exodus 33:19

C. Feared? (v. 4)

“There is forgiveness with Thee-enough to frighten us!”- 1905 Welsh Revival

Mark 2:1-12

3. Individual’s Statement (vs. 5,6)

A. Waiting

Psalm 33:18-22

B. Watching

4. Urgent Plea to Israel (vs. 7,8)

A. Based on the character of the LORD

B. Steadfast Love

C. Plentiful Redemption

D. He will Redeem Israel.

E. How Desperate are we? And how desperate are we to get the word out?


1. What have the depths been like in your life and in the lives of those around you?

2. What is the essential truth of verses 3 and 4? How do we see that essential belief played out in the work of Jesus Christ?

3. Are you in a time of waiting now? How can this Psalm speak for you and help you to watch while you wait?

4. Verse 7 commands us to “hope in the LORD”. What does hope do for us? Who is your hope in today?

Follow Up in the Word through the Week

Monday: Read: Lamentations 3:54- 55

When have you called on the name of the LORD for mercy?

Tuesday: Read: Exodus 33:19

How important are these characteristics of God? How have they been applied to your life? 

Wednesday: Read: Mark 2:1-12

What is most alarming to those in this account? How alarming is it to you?

Thursday: Read: Psalm 33:18-22

Does this view of “fearing the Lord” help you? How can understanding the LORD this way help in your time of need?

Friday: Read: Psalm 130:5

Have you been finding hope in the Word of the Lord during these days?

Saturday: Read: Psalm 130:7, 8

Who do you want to plead with to “hope in the LORD?” How can you express that to them?